7-12 Christian Psychology

  • Homeschool
The Ave.: 8223 California Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Aug 28 2024
Dec 25 2024
7-12 Psych
  1. Mon11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Intro to Christian Psychology, teacher: Kimber Mason

Suggested Material: TBD

Supply Fee: $5

Want a fun way to invest in yourself and your favorite peeps? Come join me in exploring how God made YOU special with a purpose! Some topics covered will be the brain and how it works, sleep and dreams, and careers in psychology. Expect fun quizzes, introspective conversations, and reflective journaling. Learn how to be a good friend AND get social studies credit. 

Class dates

09/02/2024, 09/09/2024, 09/16/2024, 09/23/2024, 09/30/2024, 10/07/2024, 10/14/2024, 10/21/2024, 10/28/2024, 11/04/2024, 11/11/2024, 11/18/2024, 11/25/2024, 12/02/2024, 12/09/2024, 12/16/2024, 12/23/2024

Additional services and fees

Supply fee $5.00


Participants must be entering grades 7 to 12.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 07/18/2024 and ends on 09/15/2024.

In-person location

The Ave.: 8223 California Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Registration closed.