7-8 Physical Science

  • Homeschool
The Ave.: 8223 California Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Jan 22 2025
May 21 2025
7-8 Physical
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed10:00 - 11:00 am
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Physical Science, teacher: Sue Strother

Suggested texts: ISBN10 1946506516,  ISBN13 9781946506528

Supply fee: $10

Physical Science is a two-semester, lab science for 7th to 9th grade students. It is an engaging study that prepares students to successfully transition to Earth Science, Biology, or Chemistry. Students grasp concepts related to Chemistry through a thorough investigation of the Periodic Table. These concepts come alive through setting up, observing, and describing chemical reactions. Physics explorations in forces, energy, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism give students a rich appreciation of activities fundamental to their lives. Students apply their knowledge of Chemistry and Physics principles to a study of our Earth from core to atmosphere and to an introduction to processes seen in living systems. The focus of class time is on the introduction of concepts and lab activities. Recommended weekly outside study time: three to four hours. New students are welcome to join spring semester.

Class dates

01/22/2025, 01/29/2025, 02/05/2025, 02/12/2025, 02/19/2025, 02/26/2025, 03/05/2025, 03/12/2025, 03/19/2025, 03/26/2025, 04/02/2025, 04/09/2025, 04/16/2025, 04/23/2025, 04/30/2025, 05/07/2025, 05/14/2025, 05/21/2025

Additional services and fees

Supply fee $10.00


Participants must be entering grades 7 to 12.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 12/02/2024 and ends on 02/05/2025.

In-person location

The Ave.: 8223 California Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Registration closed.